Tuesday, September 14, 2010

O! hoe the seasons change!

I believe I went to my last farmer's market for the season last week. I may still sell apples, the remaining tomatoes, and those ever everbearing strawberries by the roadside, but my first summer as a farmer has nearly passed. There's still some hoeing to do, but germination has slowed down and each row hoed goes quickly.

Fall will be heavy with the wood chopping, trellis building, and repairs. The strawberries will need winter protection soon enough. But I know I'll be germinating seeds by early January and the whole thing begins anew.

Early notes for next year's garden: x4 on the green beans! +sweet corn! (I heard Chicago was paying a dollar an ear this year)

I saw a tree yesterday that had the audacity to already have a dozen yellow leafs.

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